
‘The so-called “link to tradition” is not about the visible form, but the spirit that shaped it. To draw on this spirit and interpret it in a contemporary way must be the true goal of inheritance!’
Jiang Qiong Er

‘The so-called “link to tradition” is not about the visible form, but the spirit that shaped it. To draw on this spirit and interpret it in a contemporary way must be the true goal of inheritance!’

蒋琼耳 Jiang Qiong Er
艺术家、设计师 &「上下」联合创始人
Artist, Designer, Co-founder of SHANG XIA

关于 蒋琼耳                   





祖父—蒋玄怡 | 艺术作品





蒋琼耳 | 早期艺术活动

2004 琼耳“光之性·灵”艺术作品展-瑞士日内瓦联合国总部

About Jiang Qiong Er                               

Jiang Qiong Er is one of the few contemporary Chinese artists anddesigners with an international reputation. She was born into a family ofartists, with a strong background in oriental culture. Her many years of studyand creative experience in Europe have given her an international perspectiveand open mind. Her bicultural background allows her to create freely, withrespect for tradition, but also inclusive.

Her maternal grandfather, Jiang Xuanyi, was one of the first Chineseartists to study abroad and one of the earliest contributors to introducing theWestern art of oil painting to China. Her father, Xing Tonghe, was the famousarchitect who built the Shanghai Museum. She grew up in an atmosphere rich intraditional culture, picking up a brush at the age of two and a half, and atthe age of six she began to study under great masters, Cheng Shifa in Chinese painting,and Han Tianheng in calligraphy. Afterwards, she entered the art and designprogram of Tongji University, and formally began the path of artistic creation.After graduation, she chose the French National Academy of Decorative Arts tofurther study furniture and interior design, taking a crucial step in herartistic career.

After returning from France, Jiang Qiong Er has been experimentingand accumulating in various fields. Her bicultural vision has allowed hertalent to unfold freely. Furniture, jewelry, Chinese painting, oil painting,video, Jiang Qiong Er can always find the most suitable expression for her inspiration.In her works, Chinese and Western techniques are skillfully combined, variouselements are perfectly blended, and most importantly, the soul of the worksreflects the long history of Chinese culture interpreted in a purely modernway.

As an artist, Jiang Qiong Er, while roaming around different fieldsto splash her creativity and encountering more and more beautiful things fromoutside, she is also becoming more and more aware of the fact that she isstanding on the roots of a very deep Chinese culture, and is proud of it. Herart works have been exhibited and collected in museums in Switzerland, theUnited States, France, and many other countries, and she has participated innumerous international exhibitions and awards and received honors.

Grandfather - Jiang Xuan Yi | Artworks

In 2009, Jiang Qiong Er co-founded the contemporary lifestyle brand"Shang Xia" with Hermès as Artistic Director and CEO. For the nextten years, she dedicated herself to promoting Chinese craftsmanship,traditional Chinese culture, and contemporary Chinese design to the world,blending the best of Eastern and Western cultures to create a new contemporarylifestyle aesthetic for the 21st century. Her art and design works have beenexhibited in the permanent collections of some of the world's most prestigiousmuseums: the British Museum, the V&A Museum (UK), the Musée Guimet (Paris),the Musée des Arts Décoratifs (France), and many others.

Among the many internationally recognized honors, Jiang Qiong Er hasbeen selected as one of Forbes' 25 most influential Chinese in the world. Inrecognition of her contribution to cultural exchanges between China and France,she was awarded "Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres de laRépublique Française" by the French government and "Chevalier del'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres" by the French government. She was alsoselected as one of the "50 Years of Sino-French DiplomaticRelations", and honored as "Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Méritede la République Française". Jiang Qiong Er was also honored by theItalian government as "Chevalier of the Order of the Star of ItalianSolidarity" for her efforts to promote the cultural integration betweenChina and Italy.

Nowadays, she is dedicated to forward thinking about time, drawinginspiration from the long history and culture of China and the world,dialoguing with the present, creating a reunion between history and the future,a meeting between heritage and technology, a connection between China and theworld, a dialogue between memory and imagination, and creating a myth of thefuture in history.

Jiang Qiong'er | Early Art Activities

2004 Qiong Er's “Nature of Light - Spirit” Art Exhibition - United Nations Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
Qiong Er_Bordeaux Studio

Selected Awards                                          

Selected Awards                                          


Roche Bobois罗奇堡X蒋琼耳 | BAMBOO MOOD 祥竹系列
Roche Bobois collaboration with Chinese artist and designer Jiang Qiong Er THEBAMBOO MOOD collection

60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China andFrance--French National Museum of Guimet "Guardien's of Time" Art ExhibitionSpecial Invited Artist


获颁2023 ”DFA世界杰出华人设计师”
DFA World’s Outstanding Chinese Designer 2023

Honored by Italy as Cavaliere dell'Ordine della stella della SolidarietàItaliana


Outstanding Contribution Award to Italian-China Culture and Fashion in Italian-China Culture and Tourism Year

《Essensualism-中国设计中的工匠精神》 出版,联合作者
Co-authors of “Essensualism: The Spirit of Craftsmanship in Chinese Design”

Ferrari China 30th Anniversary- Artists Design the world's only rare edition "Origine“

WDCC2022 World Design Capital Conference - Overseas exhibition art creative consultant


“清影”竹丝镶嵌攒盒为大英博物馆收藏, 伦敦
“Twilight” Bamboo Marquetry Screen Lamp was awarded as “Best Living Design” of IDEAT 2019FutureAward,


Attended as a member of The Red Dot Jury, Germany


SHANG XIA “Echo” porcelain bowl been collected by Museum of Applied Arts & SciencesSydney, Sydney


“犀皮漆天地盖盒”为大英博物馆收藏, 伦敦
“Xi Pi Lacquer Heaven and Earth Lidded Box” Becomes Part of the PermanentCollection oftheBritishMuseum,London

"如园"红菠萝漆天地盖盒为法国吉美博物馆收藏, 巴黎
‍“Xi Pi Lacquer Heaven and Earth Lidded Box” been collected by Musée

"过云"修竹清雅空间为法国吉美博物馆收藏, 巴黎
SHANG XIA “Bamboo Space” Tea Ceremony Space been collected by Musée Guim

• “福器”玛瑙杯盏为法国国家装饰博物馆收藏,巴黎
“Fu Qi” four agate cups been collected by Musee des Arts Decoratifs

"大天地"碳纤维菠萝漆长桌为法国国家装饰博物馆收藏, 巴黎
SHANG XIA “Da Tian Di” Carbon Fiber Chair been collected by Musee des Arts Decoratifs


Honored by The Republic of France as “Chevalier de L’Ordre National du Mérite” 


”桥”系列竹丝扣瓷茶具为法国吉美博物馆收藏, 巴黎
“Bridge” teaware been collected by Musée Guimet, Paris


当选 ”中法建交50年50人“
Awarded of " le Prix 50 ans 50 personnes" of diplomatic relations between China and France"


Named “Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters” by the Minister of Culture,France


荣获“2012 ELLE风尚大典年度特别奖 – 跃界女性”称号
Won 2012 ELLE Style Awards Yearly Awards for Inspiration Beyond Borders, Shanghai


Named as Forbes 25 Most Influential Chinese in Global Fashion and Lifestyle

Elected as 2011 Modern Power China Top 100


荣获“ELLE DECO家居廊”国际设计大奖,最佳织物设计奖
ELLE DECORATION international Awards, Best Fabric Design of the Year


荣获时尚Cosmopolitan 年度时尚设计师大奖
Cosmopolitan Annual Fashion Designer Awards

为ARTELANO品牌设计的作品“天地”获“ELLE DECO家居廊”国际设计大奖
ELLE DECORATION international Awards, Best Chair Design of the year (stool TianDiDesigned for Artenalo)


Best furniture of the Year, China Fashion Awards

Selected Awards